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Nanotechnology and advanced materials for a sustainable Europe 

Every second year, Euronanoforum brings industry, academia, policy makers and other stakeholders together to discuss developments on nanotechnologies in an open forum. Thus, this is a conference which can build on an excellent track record and an interested audience.

In 2023, the EuroNanoForum will be held in Sweden, from the 11th to the 13th of June.

The Euronanoforum 2023 does offer the opportunity to discuss changes in terms of Green Deal, twin transition and resilience of our societies and economies. These changes are pivotal on how European research programmes, notably the Cluster Digital, Industry and Space, can exacerbate these changes.

Advanced materials and nanotechnologies are seen as a single Key Enabling Technology for five years. Today, technologies are no longer seen on their own merits (“key enablers”). Instead, the focus is on global competition of industries driven by new technologies across the world and on value added enabling citizens to actively support these technologies as they make a difference to their daily life.

Against this background, the purpose of research and innovation for advanced materials and nanotechnologies should be at the forefront of the discussions in plenary and across all parallel sessions. The parallel sessions are hence very much about discussing the challenges below.  

Click here for parallel sessions
Challenge 1: Green Energy: Clean tech - role of advanced materials and nanotechnologies for the 
Net-Zero Industry Act
Challenge 2: Healthcare
Challenge 3: Chips & semiconductors
Challenge 4: Chemicals
Challenge 5: Graphene, 2 D materials
Challenge 6: Quantum
Challenge 7: Sustainable Packaging
Challenge 8: Research and Technology Infrastructures

We look forward to seeing you in Lund!

Welcome message by Peter Dröll, Director for Prosperity at European Commission, DG RTD.

Welcome message by Maria Messing, Deputy Director Nanolund, Lund University.

EuroNanoForum 2023

Arranged under the umbrella of

Funded by


in collaboration with